
11 Strategies to Travel to Japan using Points & Miles


How to Get to Japan Using Points and Miles Japan is by far one of my favorite countries that Iโ€™ve had the opportunity to visit. Bullet trains, Fresh Sushi, Hedgehog Cafes, and Robot Restaurants! Whatโ€™s not to LOVE?! Without Points and Miles, visiting Japan would without a doubt still be just an item on an […]

Last chance to transfer Citi TY to Virgin Atlantic 30% Basic Bonus

Passenger in business of airplane

If you have any Citi Thank You points stashed away now is a great time to consider transferring them to Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. Citi has been offering a 30% Bonus when transferring Thank You points to the Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. On June 22nd at 11:59 pm the current promotion will end! I just […]