Every once in a while a great bank account promotion comes around where it’s a complete no-brainer. Albert banking hit the nail on the head with their new user promotion. Learn how to earn up to $2,000 in the Albert Banking Basic Breakdown below!
The Offer
There are two requirements to earn the Albert promotional $500 opening offer. First, open a new Albert banking account and set up a monthly $200 direct deposit for at least 90 days. Second, spend at least $100 per month over those same 90 days.
Basic Pro Tip ~ Set up calendar alerts to meet these requirements. I will add alerts to remind me to complete both the Direct Deposit and the $100 purchase.
The Referral Offer
Earn $500 per referral up to $1,500 total when your referral meets the opening requirements listed above.
Other details
There is no monthly fee or monthly minums to worry about with Albert. In addition, there is no early account closure fee that I’m aware of.
Genius Feature
There is a paid Albert Feature called genius that the app tries to get you to opt into upon signing up. I was able to get around it without having to opt-in, while Lisa was forced to opt-in. If you’re not able to get around this feature upon signing up, simply go to the home screen and select “Text Genius” and request to cancel the Genius membership.
Monthly Savings Goal
Another pesky feature of the Albert app is the savings goals that it tries to force on you upon signing up. I selected the $1 per month option when I initially signed up and then found a way to cancel it altogether. Simply log in and select “savings” from the home screen. Then click the wheel in the top right-hand corner and then select “adjust savings settings”. From there select the toggle to pause automatic savings!
Lower $250 bonus?
I’ve some people with $250 referral links. If you’re going to complete the Albert Promotion, be sure to use a $500 referral link! Ours is posted below. After signing up, it appears that you can refresh the app to try and generate the $500 referral link.
Ready to sign up for Albert? Click here for the $500 welcome promotion! This is the crowdsourced Basic Travel Link referenced below.
Crowdsourcing Links
Given that each person can only earn three $500 referrals, I’ve created a shared google document for folks to use collaboratively. Feel free to add your $500 link to the doc and add in whose link you’ve used.
Basic Breakdown
This is an awesome promotion and one that I’m assuming won’t last long. There was a recent WF $1,500 business bank account offer that was pulled within a week. Given this bonus is worth $2,000 if you can maximize the referrals, it’s a no-brainer!
I’d love to hear in the comments below or over in our 8,700+ Member Basic Travel Facebook Group!
More Basic Reading
- Top Credit Cards of the Month
- Learn how to utilize credit card points with our Basic Travel Course
- How to book an Overwater Bungalow at the Conrad Maldives for cheap!
- Seven Steps to utilize credit card reward points to Save Money
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- Step-by-Step Guide to Completing a Small Business Credit Card Application