
Step-by-Step booking ANA flights with Virgin Atlantic on Points

Couple sitting in 2 first seats

If you would have told me 3 years ago that Iโ€™d be flying First Class to Tokyo, I would have told you that you were crazy.  But that was all before I learned about the crazy points world and Credit Card Reward Points My love for the game continues to grow, and with that, we […]

How I booked a $41,890.68 trip to JAPAN for $656.66!

ANA Flight Business Class

Up until recently, Dave and I had been loyal economy points bookers. We wanted to spread our points out as much as possible to travel as much as we wanted. This comes with some limitations though, as we can only travel on Daveโ€™s school breaks, as well as holiday/vacation time. We still managed to travel […]